Call +44 (0) 1179 666 761 or email info@bescorporate.net to speak to our specialist team
BES Rehab Ltd
131 South Liberty Lane, Ashton Vale, Bristol, BS3 2SZ UK
T: 44 (0) 1179 666 761 F: 44 (0) 1179 637 373
Opening Hours: 8.30 am - 5 pm Monday to Friday
Key Contacts
Please send any general enquiries to this address and our customer support team will do their best to help you.
Please send any rehab specific enquiries to this address and our Rehab team will do their best to help you.
Please use this address for any queiries specifically relating to the Decon division.
Please send any general enquiries relating to the Healthcare division to this address.
Please send all orders to this address.
Please send any financial communications to this address e.g. remittance advice.
Please contact marketing if you would like to use any of our branding or would like to include us in any kind of promotional material.
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